Enduring the Length of Your Renovation: Living through Construction

Plan Your Home Remodeling Schedule With Your Contractor Ahead Of Time

Remodeling your home can be both an exciting and a stressful time. You are finally going to get the look and functionality you want for your home, yet you are also going to have to endure a disruption to your routine. Walls may be knocked down, plumbing may be turned off, and workers will be in and out of your house all the time.

You have a lot of options for how to handle your living arrangements during the construction. You should talk with your remodeling contractor in Scottsdale to understand how your home will be affected and what your best options will be. Here are a few things you might be able to do:

Modern bathroom remodeling near  Phoenix, AZ

Move Items into One Room

A lot of the items in your home are going to be displaced during your renovation. For example, if you are remodeling your home office, you may have a lot of extra furniture that is scattered around your home and causing you to trip every time you try to move from place to place.

You can reduce some of the clutter and the chaos in your home by moving all the items from the room being worked on into a single space. That might be your spare room, a garage, or a shed. Just try to limit the spread so that the rest of your home is not displaced, as well.

Make Adjustments to Your Lifestyle

You may not have full access to all parts of your home during a remodel. For example, if you are having your bathroom remodeled, you might not be able to take a shower. If you’re having you’re kitchen remodeled, you might not be able to use your stove. With a few lifestyle adjustments, you may be able to stay in your home while the renovations are taking place.

If you don’t have access to your stove, you may decide to eat out during that time. Or you might decide to use a hot plate or a microwave to make simpler meals. If you don’t have access to your shower, you may decide to take showers at the gym. With a little creativity, you may be able to get through short periods with limited functionality in your home.

Get Cozy with the Neighbors

How well do you know your neighbors? If you’re relatively friendly with them, you may be able to count on them during your remodel. You may be able to pop next door to take a shower or to cook a meal. Or you may be able to ask them to store some of the things from the rooms that are being renovated.

Knowing that you can count on your neighbors may help you to stay in your home during the remodel instead of leaving for a hotel. Just make sure you do everything you can to protect that relationship. You don’t want to lose a friendship over it.

Move Out during the Messiest Parts

You may not want to impose on the neighbors, and you may not want your daily lifestyle disrupted. To make things as smooth as possible for your family, you may want to consider moving out during the messiest and most disruptive parts of your remodel. That may be when your water is turned off or when an exterior wall is removed.

Talk to your North Phoenix remodeling contractor to time your departure. Then look for a short-term lease, a sublet, or even an Air BnB stay. You can leave behind your furniture and take with you only what you need for the short term.

Work Closely With Your Remodeling Contractor

Remodeling your home is an exciting time. Work closely with your remodeling contractor in North Phoenix to determine a timeline for your project and to plan for how you and your family will manage your needs while your home is temporarily disrupted. Your contractor will help you understand the extent of the impact of the work and will give you advice about how to manage it.

Call Valcon General Contractors in Phoenix today to talk with a contractor about your remodeling vision. We remodel kitchens, bathrooms, home offices, patios, and more, and we’re ready to help you realize your goals for your home. Our contractors pay close attention to detail, and they are committed to providing the highest quality of workmanship for beautiful and long-lasting results. We take the time to get to know our clients to understand what they truly want so that we can be sure we produce the results they’ll love. Call us in Phoenix today to talk with a home remodeling contractor and get the process started.

Published By:
Perry Villarreal – Valcon General
18631 N 19th Ave #158441
Phoenix, AZ 85027

Office: 602-518-5624
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://valcongeneral.com/

Posted: December 15, 2020
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    • Valcon General, LLC

      Phone: 602-518-5624
      Email: [email protected]
      Website: https://valcongeneral.com

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